12 Ways To Get Things Done When You Lack Motivation

Sometimes you just don’t feel like getting things done. I get it!

Let’s talk about some ways to still get things done when you lack motivation.

how to get things done when you don't feel like it

4 Reasons You May Be Lacking Motivation

One minute you’re thinking about all the things you have to do. And the next you can’t move an inch.

So, what’s going on here? Well, let’s break it down.

You’re Afraid of Failing

It’s strange how the fear of failure keeps us at a standstill. Think about it. You fear you won’t succeed in what you do, so somehow you become okay with taking no action.

But without you taking action, there’s no road to success.

I started this blog in 2020 after sitting in my fear for 5 years. Yep, I wanted to start my blog in 2015 but was so afraid of putting myself out there. All I can say now is that I wish I hadn’t let fear hold me back. 

Don’t let fear stop you from achieving your goals. Figure out a way to get over it. Every minute you waste being afraid is a minute you could have used to follow your dreams.

You’re Intimidated by Big Projects

Let’s talk about tackling big projects. So back when I was in college, I was assigned project after project after project. And with having so many things to do, it was so easy to let the pressure get to me.

If you have a big project coming up that’s causing you to freeze up, here’s what you do. You break that project up into several tiny projects! You take small steps until the project is complete. 

Your Tasks Have No Purpose

Everything has a purpose. I know you’ve heard that before and it’s true. Especially when it comes to motivation. Every task must be done with an end goal – or purpose – in mind.

If you’re unable to identify the purpose of a task, how will you know when the task is complete? You won’t.

So if you’ve fallen into an endless habit of just doing things with no end goal in mind, what’s the motivation behind it? There is none!

You’re Burned Out and Overwhelmed

When I say burnout is real, it’s real. I’ve experienced it quite a few times, especially when it comes to growing my blog. Trying to do everything, all the time eventually leads to not wanting to do anything all of the time.

Here’s what I do when I’m overwhelmed:

  • I take a break – if anyone knows anything about me it’s that I am going to take time to rest. I am not a superhuman so I refuse to go, go, and go.
  • I prioritize self-care – I love taking the time for my favorite self-care activities like reading, bubble baths, and watching motivational content on YouTube
  • I share my feelings – whatever I’m thinking or feeling I talk about it. I have to release that energy.
postive affirmation for completing tasks

12 Ways to Find Your Motivation and Get Things Done

1. Make A To-Do List

The first step is to make a to-do list that helps you plan out your day. Everything starts here. Making a to-do list helps you plan out your day and is an acknowledgment to yourself that you have important things to do.

When creating your to-do list, remember to list your most important task first.

2. Establish an Effective Routine

Get into the habit of following a productivity routine. When you routinely do things, some of the things you may not usually feel like doing will become habits and will get done anyway.

My secret to creating an effective routine is to first write it down. I write down each task or habit and the amount of time it will take to complete. For me, it helps to see it on paper.

If you’re looking for some routine ideas, here are my top 5 routines to make life just a little bit better.

3. Stop Being A Procrastinator

Where are all my procrastinators? Listen, I get it. I’ve been that person that repeatedly says I’ll do it tomorrow, and then before you know it I look up and realize the deadline is in 2 hours. 

Don’t be that person! You have to stop procrastinating. One way to beat procrastination is to just complete a task. It doesn’t matter how small it is, just do it. 

Take action. Each action decreases the work you have left to do.

4. Find an Accountability Partner

Seek out an accountability partner. An accountability partner will keep you motivated and hold you accountable for accomplishing the things you said you were going to do.

And you are going to do the same for them. Here are two things to look for in an accountability partner:

  1. Make sure the person is working towards a similar or common goal. You both need to be on the same page.
  2. You need to know that you can trust them. Will they show up for you? Will they be honest enough to tell you what you need to work on and improve?

5. You Need a Change of Scenery

Changing up where you usually do your work or complete tasks can bring up feelings of inspiration and creativity. And don’t you feel more motivated to do things when you’re feeling inspired or creative? 

Try working outside in your backyard or near a body of water. When I was working in the office, I would take walks outside by the lake. Every time I went back inside I always felt refreshed and more energized about my tasks.

If you don’t like being outside, maybe go to your local coffee shop. Or you could try a friend’s house.

6. Read Personal Stories or Inspirational Quotes  

Do you know what really motivates me to get things done? Reading other people’s success stories. Understanding another person’s triumphs despite their obstacles reminds you that you’re also capable. 

I’m also instantly motivated after reading inspirational quotes. Anytime I see a quote that resonates with me, I save it on my phone and go back and reread it in my free time.

If you’re wondering where to easily find these personal stories and quotes, head right on over to social media and start following some successful people. 

7. Reward Yourself for Small Successes 

Reward yourself for every step you make towards completing a task. Even if it is a small win. A reward could look like treating yourself to a coffee or buying a new book you’ve been wanting to read.

8. Manage Your Time

Pay attention to your time management skills. Give yourself a set amount of time to do something. And just do that one thing. Trying to work on 5 different tasks in 1 hour is bound to leave anyone feeling unmotivated.  

9. Set Realistic Goals

How many times have you set goals for yourself and found yourself disappointed with your progress? Maybe you had set unrealistic goals. Setting realistic goals helps to boost your motivation because you know that you can and will eventually achieve that goal.

And learning how to break your big goals into smaller goals will make the process of achieving them less daunting.

10. Track Your Progress

Get into the habit of keeping track of your progress. Being able to look at a record of your accomplishments in something like a journal can be an instant motivator.

Even just holding on to your to-do lists with your tasks checked off and looking at that now and then works too.

11. Schedule in some Me-Time

Earlier I mentioned that one of the reasons why you lack motivation is because you feel burnt out. A great way to combat burnout and relax your mind is to spend some time practicing self-care. 

You can do this once a day, once a week, or as often as you’d like. Just promise me you won’t neglect yourself.

If you’re struggling with some self-care ideas, start with something simple like coming up with your own self-care shower routine.

12. Rethink Your Negative Thoughts 

While completely getting rid of negative thoughts isn’t possible, you can actively work on not letting your negative thoughts turn into a negative mindset. 

When you have a negative thought, reframe it into a positive one. 

pinterest pin for finding motivation

How Do You Find the Motivation to Get Things Done

It’s no secret that getting things done when you don’t feel motivated is hard. But when you need to achieve goals, you have to find a way. Taking the time to implement some of these productivity tips is a great place to start. 

Tell me in the comments what motivates you to get things done.

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